Nikolaj Sieber, Marxism before Marxism

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It’s out! After a long process of revisions and integrations, the article on Nikolaj Sieber that I signed together with François Allisson, Danila Raskov and Leonid Shirokorad is now visible on the website of the .

Here, we tried to reconstruct the complex intellectual biography of Sieber, discussing the emergence of Marxism in the Russian-speaking world in connection with the rise of national movements and of the First Globalization. Sieber witnessed in Kyiv and Sankt Peterburg the apparence of an unskilled workforce, outside of the traditional categories, and identified it as Marx’s free-hands. He concluded that the Russian empire was also entering a phase of capitalist development and was destined to live through the same steps as the countries of Western Europe.

In the article, we show how he passed on this conviction to the following generation of Russian Marxists, in particular the Emancipation of Labour Group of Aksel’rod, Plekhanov and Zasulich. He thus contributed decisively to the emergence of a Marxist “orthodoxy” that dominate the debate of the last decades of the 19th century.

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